How to Deal with Conflict in Relationships

Conflict in Relationships

Conflict is a normal part of any relationship. Whether it’s a disagreement with a partner, a conflict with a colleague, or a family argument, conflict is inevitable. However, unresolved conflicts can have a significant impact on mental health and relationships. That’s why seeking counselling and psychodynamic therapy can be beneficial in managing conflict and its […]

Anxiety and the Cost of Living Crisis

Anxiety and the Cost of Living Crisis

The cost of living crisis has become a significant issue for many individuals, with rising costs of living, stagnating wages, and increasing debt. The financial strain can be challenging to manage, leading to stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues. However, CBT and Psychodynamic Therapy can help individuals manage their anxiety and cope with the impact of financial stress on everyday life.

Stress management London: What you can do

Sebastian Bosca Counselling Therapy London

While living in London can be extraordinary, stress management in London can be a very difficult task for most of us. London is a city that many people cherish. However, the resulting city life can create a lot of stressful triggers that ultimately leads to ill mental health.

Depression therapy London: When should you seek help?

Depression therapy London: When should you seek help?

Depression can take hold of your life and make you feel like there’s no escape. It impacts how you feel, think and act. From severe low moods to the inability to function in certain situations (such as at work or social events), it is a serious medical illness that needs treating. Read more to find out how counselling and psychotherapy can help.